With due regard to the health and safety of all delegates, the UKCI2020 organising committee and EDMA2020 organising committee have both taken the decision to postpone UKCI2020 and EDMA2020 because of the concern regarding the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. Travel concerns and other circumstances, unfortunately make it impossible for Aberystwyth University Dept. of Computer Science to host the workshop this year.

We must emphasise that UKCI2020 and EDMA2020 are not being cancelled, but merely postponed until Sept. 2021, when they will still run concurrently and be hosted by Aberystwyth University – future dates TBA.

Our sympathies at this time are with those affected by this awful crisis both here in the UK, and across the world.

We wish you all continued good health and look forward to welcoming you to Aberystwyth in September 2021.

On behalf of UKCI2020 and EDMA2020 organising committees